Bee funding ‘about time’: McCormack

The Federal Government has finally opted to act to prevent the spread of the dangerous Asian bee.

Whilst acknowledging funding of a $2 million program to fight the Asian bee, Federal Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said he hoped it would not be a case of "too little, too late".

Mr McCormack said he lobbied the Government on behalf of Riverina apiarists after the incursion was first discovered in Queensland late last year.

"Even though the incursion was found in Cairns, Riverina honey producers were fearful of the very real risk that this could be disastrous for their industry," Mr McCormack said.

"A swift response was needed, however, unbelievably it has taken this Government six months to act."

The threat is so serious Mr McCormack said President of the Riverina branch of the New South Wales Apiarists Association, David Mumford of Narrandera, will be volunteering to travel to Queensland to help eradication efforts.

"I applaud Mr Mumford's dedication and also his group's concerted efforts to bring this very serious matter to the attention of the Labor Government," Mr McCormack said.

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Cristy Houghton