McCormack praises fire fighters

The mighty efforts of full-time personnel and volunteer fire fighters have averted a potentially disastrous situation in the region, according to Nationals’ Member for Riverina Michael McCormack.

Wonderful work by dedicated people across the Riverina has limited the loss of property and livestock from this week’s widespread fires, Mr McCormack said.

“Those who suffered loss and those whose homes and farms were saved who I had spoken to have nothing but praise for the fire fighters,” Mr McCormack said.


“It was such a big job requiring professional co-ordination and people on the ground with extraordinary commitment and motivation.

“Well done to all concerned.”

The threat across the region has now eased, helped in part by cooler weather.

“Let’s hope the worse is behind us,” Mr McCormack said.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who suffered far greater losses in the Tasmanian and Victorian fires.”

Earlier in the week in seemed the whole Riverina was ablaze with fires in many locations.

Less than 12 months earlier much of the Riverina was flooded, underlining just how much a country of extremes Australia is.

“No matter what happens, what nature throws at us, country people always come through with their best efforts when times are toughest and this was certainly again the case this week,” Mr McCormack said.

Mr McCormack said many home and land owners had survival guides which they put into good effect and he praised people for quickly heeding evacuation advice when given by authorities.

Cristy Houghton