Federal grants available for Creative Young Stars

FEDERAL Member for Riverina, Michael McCormack, has welcomed just announced funding for
Creative Young Stars grants.

“Similar to the Local Sports Champion grants, the Riverina electorate will have funding for
23 grants of $500 for individuals and four grants of $3000 for teams, allocated over two funding rounds,” Mr McCormack said. 

“These grants are designed to help subsidise the cost of travel, accommodation or costumes
and participate in events which help develop their talents and help them reach their potential.”

The national cultural policy initiative, Creative Australia, has announced these grants as recognition of the fact many young people may not be able to take advantage of opportunities due to a lack of
financial resources.

Grants are available for people under the age of 25 who are participating in activities such as performing arts, cultural activities, academic endeavour, and school and community achievement where there is a financial impact on the applicant. 

Applications for the first round of funding close on Friday 21 June 2013.

For further information, please visit http://www.youth.gov.au/sites/youth/news/pages/creative-young-stars or contact Mr McCormack’s Wagga Wagga or Griffith offices.

Cristy Houghton