Have your say on Australian agricultural competitiveness: McCormack

FARMERS now have the chance to have their say on how Australian agriculture can work better, Riverina MP Michael McCormack says. 

"The Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper is about forming Australia’s long-term agriculture policies and consulting with growers, producers and other key stakeholders to see what can be improved," Mr McCormack said. 

"Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce wants this White Paper to have as much input from farmers, regional communities and associated industries as possible, because they are the people best placed to help us formulate good policy." 

The terms of reference invite contributions regarding food security, access to investment finance, regulation, transportation, agricultural competitiveness as well as the contribution Australian agriculture makes to regional economies and communities. 

"Barnaby Joyce has said this is the time to think big on Australian agriculture. Many people have a view about ways we can improve our production and competitiveness, and this is the best forum to voice those ideas," Mr McCormack said.

"There will also be a public consultation process which will be in Griffith on 7 and 8 April 2014. I would encourage people interested in the White Paper to come along and voice their opinions there too." 

Further information on the White Paper can be accessed via http://www.agriculturalcompetitiveness.dpmc.gov.au/. Submissions close at 5pm on Thursday 17 April 2014.

Cristy Houghton