Inland Rail: A corridor of commerce for the Riverina and Central West
RIVERINA and Central West producers and small businesses are on the cusp of a rail-led boom meaning more jobs and expanded opportunities for locals, Nationals’ MP Michael McCormack says.
“From mines near Parkes to vines and wines at Hilltops and world-class irrigated and dry land farming throughout the almost 50,000 square kilometres of our electorate, it is clear that our local industries will benefit significantly from inland rail,” Mr McCormack said.
“Our lamb, wool, cotton, grains and many other agricultural commodities will be delivered to ports in Brisbane and Melbourne for export to the world thanks to the ongoing investment in inland rail.
“I have been meeting with many farmers, small businesses and local people throughout the Riverina and Central West in the past few weeks, and I know our region stands ready to unlock the vast opportunities and potential inland rail will deliver.
“This investment coupled with our recently-signed trade agreements in South Asia and the new market opportunities which will be made available through international freight at Canberra Airport, as well as through hubs at Wagga Wagga and Parkes, is creating genuine positivity about the future of farming and small business in our local communities.
“This means more jobs for local people and bigger opportunities throughout the whole supply chain,” Mr McCormack said.
The Coalition Government committed an additional $594 million to the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) preferred Melbourne-to-Brisbane Inland Rail route in this month’s Federal Budget.
“This investment deals with the critical land acquisition requirements, as well as mapping a forward-thinking plan to ensure we can get product from the farm gate to the freight hub as quickly and efficiently as possible,” Mr McCormack said.
“The Nationals in Government have also tripled the Roads to Recovery budget for local Councils to deliver that most-important final kilometre and ensure the “corridor of commerce” becomes a reality for the people and communities of the Riverina and Central West.”