Nats to bust Wantabadgery blackspot

Homes, businesses and farmers around Wantabadgery are set to receive better mobile service, thanks to the construction of a new mobile base station in the village, Riverina Nationals’ MP Michael McCormack has announced.

“Like many communities across the Riverina and Central West, I know the people of Wantabadgery have dealt with very poor mobile service for a number of years,” Mr McCormack said.

“I have spoken with many locals whose lives and businesses were affected by poor mobile coverage, and have worked with them to secure this commitment.”

Mr McCormack praised the work of local community advocate Maggie Salisbury, with whom he has worked to bring Wantabadgery’s needs to the attention of telecommunications companies.

“I have met with Maggie a number of times and heard her all-too-familiar story about how people’s lives, businesses and education were affected by poor coverage, let alone locals’ concerns about mobile service in times of emergency,” Mr McCormack said.

“I listened to her concerns, took her petition to Parliament and fought for the region’s mobile coverage needs many times with the relevant Ministers and with telecommunications companies.

“I am delighted that, if re-elected, The Nationals will make better mobile coverage a reality for the people of Wantabadgery.”

The Nationals have committed an additional $60 million to the Mobile Blackspot Programme, building on the $160 million investment in this term of Government.

“Better mobile service is something The Nationals understand and have made sure we fix, with properly-funded programmes to ensure those communities which need it most, finally get the coverage they deserve.”

A re-elected Coalition Government will deliver a mobile base station as part of Round 3 of the Mobile Blackspot Programme.

Cristy Houghton