Gundagai High School students delve into the heart of democracy

STUDENTS from Gundagai High School got a taste of the political life when they travelled to Canberra to visit Parliament House.

And they headed back along the road to Gundagai armed with a first-hand insight of how Australia’s Federal Parliament works.

The Nationals’ Member for Riverina Michael McCormack met with the 16 students in the Marble Foyer of the heart of democracy, with Mr McCormack fielding a range of questions from the inquisitive students, from why he became a politician to the National Broadband Network rollout.

Students heard Mr McCormack explain why he chose to get into politics – because of his desire to make a difference in the region which has always been his home.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to come to Canberra and get a real feel for the building where the Government makes important decisions that affect us all, from these students to their parents and grand-parents,” Mr McCormack said.

More than 100,000 students visit Parliament House every year with the Riverina having one of the highest number of visitors of all the electorates in the nation.

Shane Manning