McCormack calls for Canberra to come to the Riverina

Following on from the success of the “Get out of the City” campaign, The Nationals’ Federal Member for Riverina and Minister for Small Business Michael McCormack has called on the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee to hold a public hearing into decentralisation in the Riverina electorate.

“The Committee received almost 200 submissions from across the country and I was pleased to learn a number of organisations and most Councils in the Riverina and Central West, from Cowra to Lockhart heeded the call and put forward their views to the Committee,” Mr McCormack said.

“Given the importance of the matters being investigated by the Committee and the relevance to regional New South Wales, I have written to the Chair of the Committee managing the decentralisation inquiry, requesting and encouraging the Senate to consider holding a public hearing in the Riverina electorate.

“Just as submissions to the inquiry were calling on the Government to move services to regional areas, to get out of the city and decentralise, I too am encouraging the Parliamentary inquiry to hold its public hearing in a regional area, to hear from those in regional communities who have much to say and contribute to this discussion.”   

Charles Sturt University highlighted in its written submission to the inquiry the contribution and positive impact the relocation of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) has had on the Wagga Wagga community.

In the submission from Forbes Shire Council, Mayor, Councillor Graeme Miller, drew on the constructive effect moving government agencies to regional areas will have on boosting the local economy.

“Regional NSW, especially the Riverina and Central West is the place to live, work and do business and I won’t stop delivering this message to Canberra,” Mr McCormack said.

“I look forward to seeing the work of the inquiry as it progresses and thank all those community groups and Councils who made a written submission.”

Submissions to the inquiry can be viewed by visiting the Committee website:

Cristy Houghton