Local MP ups the ante in support of medical centre
The tempo of lobbying efforts to secure funding for the Grenfell Medical Centre have increased according to the Nationals’ Member for Riverina and Minister for Small Business Michael McCormack.
Mr McCormack said he understood the importance of funding the Grenfell Medical Centre and has spoken with his ministerial colleagues in Canberra about the Grenfell Medical Centre.
“I have impressed upon my colleagues the real need for this facility,” Mr McCormack said.
“I have heard directly from the local community about how imperative a new, modern and accessible medical centre is for Grenfell and received numerous calls, emails and letters about the matter from local families, businesses and community groups.
“They care a great deal about this and so do I.
“I acknowledge the passion and persistence of the Weddin Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Mark Liebich, for this project. The Mayor and I have met and spoken many, many times about the need for this facility and I have also met many community advocates about it.
“I’m pleased Weddin Shire submitted an application for funding under the Infrastructure Projects Stream of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF), designed to deliver outcomes and benefits for regional communities across Australia.
“While it is important to remember each funding application is considered on merit and forms part of a very competitive nationwide process, I hope those who assess the application will see the hard work and effort put into the application by the Council and realise the benefits such a facility will deliver for the health and well-being of the people of Grenfell and the surrounding community.
“Like the community of Grenfell I await and look forward to news about the outcome of this application for funding and assure everyone I continue to support the need for the medical centre and will continue to raise the matter at every opportunity I get.”
More than 900 applications for funding were received in the first round of the BBRF and successful projects will be announced in the coming months. More information on the BBRF can be accessed by visiting: www.business.gov.au/bbrf