A FURTHER boost to local community organisations has been delivered thanks to the recent Liberal and Nationals’ Government Budget, local Nationals’ MP and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack says.

“The recent Federal Budget has delivered funding for an additional round of the popular Stronger Communities Programme, meaning local community organisations are set to share in $150,000 made available solely for the Riverina electorate,” Mr McCormack said.

Mr McCormack said the grants – which are between $2500 and $20,000 – have helped deliver for the region in past rounds. “Communities big and small have shared in our allocation previously, and I have enjoyed seeing that investment help sporting clubs, community groups and volunteer organisations continue their vital work throughout the Riverina and Central West,” Mr McCormack said.

“The third round of this programme last year funded improvements to netball courts at Cowra, helped pay for laser levelling of the Wagga croquet courts, helped improve the club house at the Illabo sportsground and delivered outdoor exercise equipment at The Rock. This funding is targeted at the sorts of organisations which make country communities such as ours so special, and I am excited to hear locals’ ideas about how this additional allocation should be spent.”

Mr McCormack encouraged locals to start thinking about potential applications.

“If you have a group or a public facility which needs an upgrade, or which can help boost tourism, local volunteerism or build a stronger local community, please have a look at the criteria and share your idea,” Mr McCormack said.

“This is a terrific programme and I am looking forward to it delivering even more in much-needed boosts to communities around the Riverina and Central West.”

Mr McCormack’s office will advise when applications open.

Shane Manning