A FOURTH round of funding for the Federal Government’s mobile phone black spot program worth $25 million will deliver improved coverage to regional and remote communities, The Nationals’ Member for Riverina, Michael McCormack says.

Mr McCormack today welcomed the new round of funding, announced by the Minister for Regional Communications, Senator Bridget McKenzie.

The new round will call for applications from mobile phone carriers within the coming months and Mr McCormack is encouraging residents and businesses throughout the Riverina and Central West to work with their councils, community organisations, emergency services and telcos to identify the black spots they want fixed.

“The Liberal and Nationals’ Government’s mobile phone black spot program has made a world of difference to the lives of many people in our region but I know more needs to be done,” Mr McCormack said.

“This new round is an important step in our determination to deliver 21st Century telecommunications to rural and regional areas.

“They deserve it as much as people living in the cities.

 “The mobile phone black spot program is already more than halfway complete and is on track to deliver 867 base stations nationwide by June next year.”

The competitive selection process for round four of the program is expected to start in the second half of 2018.

More information about the program is available at:

Ken Grimson