UPGRADES are under way to deliver a safer and easier journey for drivers on the Murray Valley Highway in Nathalia, Victoria.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack said the $2 million upgrade between Muntz Road and Katunga-Picola Road would widen both lanes, seal shoulders and install rumble strips on a 5-kilometre section. 

“We’re fixing this busy agricultural freight and tourist connection as there is nothing more important than ensuring people get to their destination safely, and across Australia we are investing in vital upgrades such as this to build the roads our regional communities deserve,” Mr McCormack said. 

Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said previously the narrow road made it difficult for drivers to pass oncoming heavy vehicles.

“We have 530 heavy vehicles relying on this road each day that will now have a safer and easier journey thanks to these upgrades,” Mr Donnellan said.

Federal Member for Murray Damian Drum said the community welcomed the upgrade after two serious crashes involving heavy vehicles occurred on the road. 

“We heard the community’s calls to make this stretch of road safer and that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Mr Drum said.

State Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp said the farming community as well as tourists on their way to Echuca and Yarrawonga would benefit from an easier journey.

“This corridor will become safer and easier to navigate for visitors as well as locals moving grain, stock and farming equipment,” Mr Gepp said.

Traffic management will be in place with works expected to be complete by October. 

The $20 million Murray Valley Highway – Echuca to Yarrawonga upgrade is jointly funded, with the Australian and Victorian Governments each committing $10 million.

Shane Manning