THE latest $200 million round of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) will be wholly and soley dedicated to helping the communities hardest hit by the crippling drought.

Riverina MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack urged communities in the region to take advantage of the fund and get local infrastructure and community-building projects of all sizes off the ground.

“In the past three rounds of the Building Better Regions Fund, $20 million has been secured for projects across the Riverina and Central West,” Mr McCormack said.

“These include important projects such as delivering $950,000 towards the Grenfell Medical Centre, more than $4.2 million towards building a multi-purpose centre at Cooke Park and upgrading the main street at Parkes and $5.3 million to upgrade the Temora aerodrome runway and associated main apron and taxiways.

“On top of this, a number of projects were also delivered through the fund under its previous name, National Stronger Regions Fund, in which a further $21 million has been injected into the Riverina and Central West, including $4.4 million towards the multipurpose complex at the Wagga Wagga Equex Centre and $2.5 million towards the Cunningar grain rail terminal near Harden.”

Mr McCormack the latest BBRF round was part of the Federal Government’s latest package of assistance to combat the effects of the drought.

“Communities across the country are suffering from the effects of this insidious drought and this extra funding will help get local projects and infrastructure work under way to strengthen regional economies, keep tradies in work and money circulating through local stores,” Mr McCormack said.

“This round is dedicated to unlocking the economic potential of rural, remote and regional Australia which has been drought affected and I encourage all eligible organisations, with a project ready to commence, to apply for the fourth round of funding.

“The first three rounds of BBRF were highly competitive with more than 2,600 applications received and 832 projects funded, totalling just over $643 million.”

Applications are now open and close on 19 December 2019.

Further information on eligibility and how to apply is available at www.business.gov.au/bbrf.

Funding for the Riverina and Central West

Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Projects Stream – Round 3

Recipient Temora Shire Council

Project Upgrade Temora aerodrome runway and associated main apron and taxiways

Federal Funding $5,353,151

Recipient Cowra Japanese Gardens and Cultural Centre

Project Upgrading roofs of the cultural centre and bonsai house

Federal Funding $307,442

Recipient Forbes Shire Council

Project New commercial precinct  over five locations (new gardens and green spaces, upgrading signs, new banners, line-marking bike stands, new seats

Federal Funding $867,241

Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream – Round 3

Recipient Matriark Theatre Inc

Project The Secret World: Cootamundra, a night festival hosted by young people

Federal Funding $15,000

Recipient Bland Shire Council

Project Bland Shire Council Business Workshop Program

Federal Funding $18,170

 Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Projects Stream – Round 2

Recipient Cowra Shire Council

Project Upgrade Kendal Street footpath between Brisbane and Lachlan streets

Federal Funding $829,619

Recipient Parkes Shire Council

Project Parkes main street revitalisation and Cooke Park multi-purpose centre

Federal Funding $4,234,992

Recipient Whiddon Group, Temora

Project Extension of the Whiddon Group’s Temora Aged Care facility

Federal Funding $3,685,009

 Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream – Round 2

Recipient Destination Riverina Murray Ltd

Project Riverina Murray Tourism Accelerator Program

Federal Funding $25,000

Building Better Regions Fund Infrastructure Projects Stream – Round 1

Recipient Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council

Project New sewage treatment works at Gundagai

Federal Funding $3,500,000

Recipient House With No Steps – Forbes

Project Relocate Aussie Biscuits factory to a larger location

Federal Funding $210,000

Recipient Weddin Shire Council

Project Grenfell Medical Centre

Federal Funding $950,000

Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream – Round 1

Recipient Coolamon Shire Council

Project Launch pads and modular pumptrack

Federal Funding $45,800

Recipient Eastern Riverina Arts

Project Community arts venues audit and database

Federal Funding $19,350

Recipient Forbes Shire Council

Project Agriculture Strategic Plan

Federal Funding $70,000

Recipient Wagga Wagga City Council

Project Fusion Festival sustainability study

Federal Funding $18,400

 Total BBRF funding: $20,149,174

 National Stronger Regions Fund – Round 3

Recipient Forbes Shire Council

Project Expansion of the Central West Livestock Exchange

Federal Funding $1,513,161

Recipient Kurrajong

Project Construction of multi-purpose facility at Hildasid

Federal Funding $1,200,000

Recipient Parkes Shire Council

Project Extension of Parkes Regional Airport Business Park

Federal Funding $1,557,500

 National Stronger Regions Fund – Round 2

Recipient Gundagai Shire Council

Project Main street redevelopment

Federal Funding $915,490

Recipient Harden Shire Council

Project Upgrade Cunningar Grain Storage and Handling facility

Federal Funding $2,500,000

Recipient Temora Shire Council

Project Medical precinct development

Federal Funding $599,962

Recipient Wagga Wagga City Council

Project Multi-purpose stadium at Equex Centre

Federal Funding $4,400,000

 National Stronger Regions Fund – Round 1

Recipient Parkes Shire Council

Project Construction of wastewater treatment plant and recycled water scheme

Federal Funding $8,725,000

 Total NSRF funding: $21,411,113

Shane Manning