THE Australian Government has committed a further $157 million to make Stage 3A of the Gold Coast Light Rail a reality.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development said the additional commitment brought the federal contribution to the project to $269 million.

“Stage 3A – involving eight new stations and an upgraded interchange at Burleigh Heads – is an absolute priority for the Gold Coast and we are committed to doing what it takes to make this project a reality,” Mr McCormack said.

Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said the Government was investing throughout the Gold Coast to bust congestion, reduce travel times and support liveability of one of the country’s fastest-growing regions.

“Whether it’s investing more than $1 billion in various M1 Pacific Motorway upgrades or funding business cases for future priorities such as a Second M1 and Brisbane to Gold Coast Fast Rail, we are backing Gold Coast and South East Queensland through critical infrastructure projects,” Mr Tudge said.

Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey said the additional funding would unlock the state government’s $351 million commitment announced earlier this year.

“This all boils down to more jobs and better transport for the Gold Coast,” Mr Bailey said.

“Gold Coasters and people from across the world have embraced the G, with more than 42 million trips taken since stage one opened five years ago.

“Our government is raring to go on Stage 3A, and I’m glad we’ve been able to work with the Federal Government on unlocking extra funding so we can started as soon as possible.”

Federal Member for McPherson Karen Andrews said the Federal Government is continuing to step up and deliver the infrastructure the Gold Coast needs, to get the city moving, stimulate the local economy and create new jobs.

“I have fought hard, alongside my Coalition colleagues, for the M1 expansion from Varsity Lakes to Tugun and I’ve also been a supporter of the Light Rail extension to Burleigh Heads, so this is a very positive outcome,” Mrs Andrews said.

“This funding will deliver more than just the infrastructure itself, it will be an important shot in the arm for the Gold Coast economy and will create hundreds of jobs in the construction phase.

“It’s a real vote of confidence in our city, which will have tremendous flow-on effects for business in a time where we need it.”

Federal Member for Moncrieff Angie Bell said this investment will see less cars on the road and help bust congestion, getting people home to their families soon and safer.

“Transport infrastructure is a key driver of the Gold Coast economy and another promise delivered by the Federal Government for Gold Coasters,” Ms Bell said.

“We welcome this boost to our local economy and the 760 jobs it will create when it starts now that the funding will be flowing immediately.”

Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said upgrades right across the Gold Coast’s key transport corridors were a key priority, having the potential to bust congestion by avoiding 2,800 trips per day by the mid-2020s.

“Gold Coasters want action on roads, they want action on transport and they want action on jobs,” Ms Scanlon said.

“This new injection of funding for our city means the Queensland Government can get started on the next lot of infrastructure projects for our city, providing a much-needed shot in the arm for our economy and creating jobs.”

Mayor of the City of Gold Coast Tom Tate said he looked forward to Stage 3A now progressing toward construction – supporting approximately 760 jobs during construction.

“We hope to get shovels in the ground in the near future on this crucial project for residents and visitors to the Gold Coast alike, with construction likely to take about two years to complete once underway in 2020,” Mayor Tate said.

The Australian Government has now committed $269 million, the Queensland Government $351 million and the City of Gold Coast $92 million to fund Gold Coast Light Rail – Stage 3A project.

The Australian Government partnered with the Queensland Government and the City of Gold Coast to jointly fund and deliver Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Gold Coast Light Rail project.

Shane Manning