A new play space for people of all ages and abilities has opened in Wollondilly, thanks to a $350,000 investment from the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the project delivered more accessible equipment for people with a disability.

“The play space has sensory items to stimulate one of a person’s five senses, caters to people who are frail and has a fenced play space for children,” Mr McCormack said.

Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor, who attended today’s opening, said the Liberal and Nationals Government’s $350,000 funding had delivered an important community facility for Wollondilly.

“This inclusive play space supported 35 full-time jobs during construction and creates two ongoing roles,” Mr Taylor said.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales John Barilaro said the new facility would encourage greater participation and revitalise the Warragamba town centre.

“The new play space will attract more tourists, families, children, older Australians and people with a disability, boosting the local economy through extra spending in local businesses,” Mr Barilaro said.

Mayor of Wollondilly Matthew Deeth said the new play space is an outcome of 10 years of Warragamba community lobbying, becoming reality through joint funding from the Australian Government, the New South Wales Government, Wollondilly Shire Council and Touched by Olivia Foundation.

“The community has driven this project and they are pleased it is complete. It will promote social inclusion and encourage physical activities for improved local community wellbeing,” Cr Deeth said.

The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government invested $350,000 in the $1.495 million project. The New South Wales Government provided $360,000, Wollondilly Shire Council $770,000 and Touched by Olivia Foundation $15,000.

Shane Manning