Upgrades to the Monaro Highway are moving ahead, with construction on the first stage of improvements set to get underway this month.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the project was an investment in the safety and efficiency of the Australian Capital Territory and broader region’s road network.

“The Monaro Highway upgrade will shorten travel times and improve road safety, which will particularly benefit drivers travelling to and from the snow during the busy ski season,” Mr McCormack said.

“The upgrade forms part of the Federal Government’s record $100 billion infrastructure pipeline over the next decade, getting Australians to where they need to be sooner and safer.” 

ACT Minister for Roads and Active Travel Chris Steel said the lack of safe overtaking opportunities on the Monaro Highway had been a cause of accidents, including fatalities.

“This is just the beginning of the work we’re doing on the Monaro Highway to make our roads safer for Canberrans travelling around our city,” Minister Steel said.

“Canberra is a growing city and we are investing in infrastructure now to ensure we don’t have congested roads in the future.”

Senator for the ACT Zed Seselja said the upgrade would include the construction of a new, two-kilometre northbound overtaking lane between Williamsdale Road and Royalla Drive.

“A wider median strip will be built between the northbound and southbound lanes and safety barriers will be placed in sections along the left side of the road in both directions,” Senator Seselja said.

“The project will also include a new left-turn lane for southbound traffic at the intersection of the Monaro Highway and Old Cooma Road to improve safety for vehicles exiting the highway.”

“The Liberal-National Government is delivering for Canberrans, bringing $30 million of our $100 million investment in the Monaro forward to the 2020-21 financial year. This is part of our commitment to getting Canberrans home sooner and safer.”

The $200 million Monaro Highway Upgrade Package has been jointly funded by the Australian and ACT governments on a 50:50 basis.

Construction on the first stage of upgrades is expected to finish ahead of the 2020 snow season, weather permitting.

Design work is also underway for safety improvements and intersection upgrades at key locations along the Monaro Highway including the Lanyon Drive intersection. 

For more information on the Monaro Highway improvements, visit

Shane Manning