Local agricultural shows which are at the heart of country communities have the opportunity to build new pavilions or upgrade other showground infrastructure thanks to a Liberal and Nationals’ Government grant program which closes in two weeks, the Member for Riverina and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack says.

Mr McCormack said he wanted all Riverina and Central West show societies to apply for grants of up to $500,000 before the $20 million Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants Program (AgShows) closes on 13 December.

“Growing up on farms at Marrar and Wagga Wagga, I always looked forward to going to the Show – jumping on rides in sideshow alley, eating Dagwood Dogs and toffee apples and looking at all the fantastic displays in the pavilions,” Mr McCormack said.

“I have great childhood memories from going to the Show and I want to make sure the young people of today and the future can go to their annual Show and experience a wonderful part of living in the country.

“Show societies are run largely volunteers and they work extremely hard to put on a good Show. They need and deserve support to provide the infrastructure people expect when they go to the Show, whether it is a modern pavilion, safe fencing or adequate seating in the grandstand.

“During this severe drought Shows are also bringing people together and giving farming families a welcome break from the hard work they are doing on their farms – I saw that recently when I went to the Ganmain and Cootamundra Shows.”

Successful applicants are expected to be announced in the first half of 2020.

For more details and to apply for an AgShows grant visit GrantConnect at

Shane Manning