A WEEKEND of celebration for the community on 7 and 8 September, will serve as a warm up to the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) officially opening to traffic.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Australian and Queensland Governments had listened to feedback calling for a community event to mark the special occasion.

"The TSRC construction has been a monumental project for the Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley communities,” Mr McCormack said.

“It's important we take the opportunity to thank everyone for their patience during this time.

“We are on the home run now, with remediation work progressing rapidly on the embankment affected by a geotechnical issue.”

Federal Member for Groom John McVeigh said ideas for the community opening event included a walk-through of the site and sporting challenges.

"Walking, running and riding the Range are some of the key preferences in many submissions from community members and charities," Dr McVeigh said.

"We want to reassure community groups we have heard your suggestions and taken them on board, so we can all celebrate over the course of the weekend.”

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport and Federal Member for Wright Scott Buchholz welcomed the opportunity for members of the local community to be involved in pre-opening celebrations.

“This is a major milestone for the region and my community in the Lockyer Valley. The second range crossing has been a long, highly anticipated project and is a landmark piece of road transport infrastructure for the nation,” Mr Buchholz said.

“It is fitting that for a project of this significance we include the local community to be part of the celebration of its completion. Locals can be a part of the final leg of this momentous journey.”  

Further information about the event will be released as details are finalised.

Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the day would also provide an opportunity to acknowledge the official name for the new world-class Toowoomba Second Range Crossing.

“Following an outstanding response to last year’s call-out for community suggestions for a new name, the road will now be known as Toowoomba Bypass,” Mr Bailey said.

“We had a fantastic response from the community, with nominations received from across Australia and internationally.

"Overall, we had 650 nominations, but the community was loud and clear – they wanted it to be simply known as the Toowoomba Bypass.

“Given the important link the TSRC has in the nation's transport network, the Toowoomba Bypass is an easily recognised name for everyone travelling on our roads.

"We also called for suggestions to name some bridges that make up the route and we look forward to announcing these during opening celebrations of the Toowoomba Bypass.”

The following official gazettal name changes will also occur when the full bypass opens:

·                     Warrego Highway (route A2) from the Warrego east interchange at Helidon Spa to the Warrego west interchange at Charlton.

·Gore Highway from the Warrego west interchange at Charlton to the Gore Highway at Athol.

Shane Manning