The Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments will support infrastructure construction jobs across the NT by jointly investing an additional $53 million to deliver shovel-ready infrastructure projects and urgent road safety upgrades.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said further investment in infrastructure would play a critical role in the Commonwealth’s JobMaker plan and help the Northern Territory economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Partnering with state and territory governments to invest in more major infrastructure projects across Australia is a key part of our JobMaker plan to rebuild our economy and create more jobs,” the Prime Minister said.

“This funding injection means we have brought forward or provided additional infrastructure funding of nearly $190 million across the NT in the past eight months.

”This package builds on the fast tracking of $147 million for infrastructure in NT which we announced last November, locking in priority upgrades that will increase productivity, improve safety, and boost jobs at a time we need it most.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the funding injection would support local jobs, businesses and the economy while providing lasting infrastructure to help the Territory bounce back as COVID-19 restrictions ease.

“We have worked closely with State, Territory and Local Governments to identify shovel-ready projects right across the country to strengthen the economy and get money flowing into jobs and businesses as soon as possible,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“In the Northern Territory, this will see us invest in life-saving upgrades along major routes such as the Stuart, Barkly, Carpentaria and Victoria Highways, as well as improving safety around remote intersections and roadhouses.

“By investing in critical infrastructure projects across the country, we are doing more than just supporting local jobs and businesses at this critical time. We are investing in our future beyond COVID-19 by delivering lasting infrastructure which will benefit Australians for years to come.

 “These projects will also benefit hard-working truck drivers, who have been keeping the country moving and shelves stocked through the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner said the package included $34.6 million for life-saving road safety improvements across the Territory.

“This funding will deliver critical safety works along three of the Territory’s busiest highways – the Stuart, Barkly and Victoria Highways – including sealing shoulders and improving or installing guardrails, truck stops and audio-tactile line markings to reduce crashes,” the Chief Minister said.

“We will also be widening and sealing shoulders at critical points along Litchfield Park Road. This is a particularly popular tourist route, so completing these works now will ensure the road is safer for when tourism bounces back in the Territory.”

Northern Territory Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Eva Lawler said the funding injection would support local jobs, businesses and the economy while providing lasting safety improvements.

“Every single job we can support makes a world of difference to individuals, their families and indeed whole communities – as it will also mean more money flowing through local businesses at a time they need it most,” Minister Lawler said.

“These works will improve road safety and bolster the resilience of the Territory’s road networks, which is absolutely critical for getting all our motorists home safely.”

Senator for Northern Territory Dr Sam McMahon said getting shovels in the ground on local construction projects was important for maintaining jobs and economic growth in the NT. 

“This funding is part of the Federal Government’s record $100 billion pipeline of infrastructure projects which is laying the foundations of a financial bridge to recovery on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Senator McMahon said.

The jointly funded package is supported by investments from the Commonwealth ($40.4 million) and Northern Territory Government ($12.7 million).

Commonwealth funding for the package has been drawn from the recently announced $1.5 billion allocation to priority shovel-ready projects and targeted road safety works.

The Commonwealth Government has now committed more than $2.4 billion to transport infrastructure in the NT.


Shovel-ready projects

Project | Federal funding | Total funding

Carpentaria Hwy Strengthening & Widening | $4 million | $5 million

Urban Arterials Asphalt Program | $1.75 million | $3.5 million

Stuart Hwy Strengthening & Widening | $250,000 | $500,000

Stuart Hwy Strengthening & Widening (Regional) | $7.6 million | $9.5 million

Road safety upgrades

Project | Federal funding | Total funding

Stuart Hwy – Safety improvements | $17.9 million | $23.4 million

Barkly Hwy – Safety improvements | $3.9 million | $4.9 million

Victoria Hwy – Safety improvements | $3.6 million | $4.5 million

Litchfield Park Road – Safety Improvements Packages 1 and 2 | $480,000 | $600,000

Installation of solar lighting at various isolated intersections and roadhouses – Packages 1 and 2 | $800,000 | $1 million

Tiger Brennan Drive – Safety improvements | $100,000 | $200,000

Total Federal funding: $40.4 million

Total funding: $53.1 million

Shane Manning