The first sod was turned today as work begins on the new Nowra Bridge across the Shoalhaven River.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said it was an exciting day for the $342 million project on the NSW South Coast.

“It is great to see this large scale infrastructure project jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Liberal and Nationals Governments powering ahead, which will ease congestion and cater for future traffic growth along this section of the Princes Highway,” Mr McCormack said.

“More than 50,000 vehicles cross the Shoalhaven River every day. The new four-lane bridge will make journeys safer and more reliable for all motorists.”

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the project was critical to the transformation of journeys along the South Coast.

“Since 2011, the Australian and NSW Governments have invested $2.5 billion into building a safer Princes Highway from Sydney to the Victorian border and the Nowra Bridge is an important part of this upgrade,” Mr Toole said.

“This project will change the way residents, tourists and heavy vehicles move in and around the region – and critically, will drive economic activity in the local economy.”

Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister Kevin Hogan said the Nowra Bridge project is expected to create around 200 jobs which is a big economic boost to a community recovering from bushfires and COVID-19.

“This new bridge demonstrates the commitment of both Governments to make the road safer while bringing new jobs and investment to the South Coast,” Mr Hogan said.

State Member for South Coast Shelley Hancock said it was fantastic to see major work starting to prepare for the construction of the new bridge in late August.

“Shortly we will see the first loads of rock delivered to build a temporary platform into the Shoalhaven River from near Scenic Drive so that the building of the new bridge structure can commence,” Mrs Hancock said.

“Vegetation clearing is also under way within the bridge and road alignments to allow the first major earthworks to start at the intersection of Bolong Road and the Princes Highway in the coming weeks.”

State Member for Kiama Gareth Ward said the new bridge builds on the enormous investment on infrastructure throughout the region.

“The NSW Government has invested a record amount into road infrastructure in the South Coast to make a real difference in the lives of locals. 

“We are using this opportunity to improve traffic flow and ease congestion which will see a new roundabout installed on Illaroo Road at Fairway Drive near the foreshore, while the intersection at Scenic Drive and Bridge Road will be closed to improve safety and amenity.”

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Shane Manning