The Morrison and Marshall Governments will support construction jobs across South Australia by jointly investing an additional $145 million to deliver shovel-ready infrastructure projects and urgent road safety upgrades.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said further investment in infrastructure would play a critical role in the Commonwealth’s JobMaker plan and help the South Australian economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Partnering with state and territory governments to invest in more major infrastructure projects across Australia is a key part of our JobMaker plan to rebuild our economy and create more jobs,” the Prime Minister said.

“This funding injection means we have brought forward or provided additional funding in excess of $440 million to South Australia in the past eight months.

“This package builds on the fast tracking of $327 million for infrastructure in South Australia which we announced last November, locking in priority upgrades that will bust congestion, increase productivity, improve safety, and boost jobs at a time we need it most.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Government had worked closely with State, Territory and Local Governments to identify shovel-ready projects to keep the economy moving and get money flowing back into jobs and businesses as soon as possible.

“This package includes a $52 million Regional Road Network Package, which will build on investments under the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative to deliver pavement treatments, shoulder sealing and safety enhancements to benefit the freight industry and regional communities across the state,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“We will also fund a $12 million higher-capacity North-South Freight Route bypassing Adelaide. This will deliver upgrades along the route between Murray Bridge and the Sturt Highway to remove speed restrictions and improve productivity, with initial works to get under way within six months.

“In all, this package will support more than 200 jobs during construction, which is good news for locals and communities across South Australia.”

Premier of South Australia Steven Marshall said the $145 million infrastructure investment is an important part of our plan to create local jobs and help re-build our economy.

“This significant infrastructure investment is part of our strong plan to create more South Australian jobs and support local businesses,” the Premier said.

“We have worked very closely with the Federal Government to fast track funding for these shovel-ready projects which will complement our record $12.9 billion infrastructure pipeline here in South Australia.”

Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said the funding injection will deliver shovel-ready projects across SA.

“Our investment in road safety infrastructure will transform and modernise the Heysen tunnels under the South Eastern Freeway,” Mr Tudge said.

“We’re also upgrading the freeway to deliver speed-activated signage on the steep descent into Adelaide.”

South Australian Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Stephan Knoll said the focus on regional road upgrade across the state would stimulate regional economies and improve road safety.

“This massive investment in regional roads will support regional jobs, communities and more importantly, help save lives on our country roads,” Mr Knoll said.

“We are funding a suite of safety improvements across the state which will include fixing Long Valley Road through localised widening, shoulder sealing, intersection treatments, safety barriers and sight distance improvements.”

The jointly funded package is supported by investments from the Morrison ($115.6 million) and Marshall Governments ($28.9 million).

Commonwealth funding for the package has been drawn from the recently announced $1.5 billion allocation to priority shovel-ready projects and targeted road safety works.

The Morrison Government has now committed more than $9 billion to transport infrastructure in South Australia.


Shovel-ready projects

Project | Federal funding | Total funding

Heysen Tunnel refit and safety upgrade | $12 million | $15 million

Regional North-South Freight Route | $9.6 million | $12 million

Regional Road Network Package | $41.6 million | $52 million

Adventure Way and Innamincka Airport access road | $4.8 million | $6 million

Road safety upgrades

Project | Federal funding | Total funding

Installation of safety barriers at high-risk crash sites across South Australia | $8 million | $10 million

Long Valley Road safety improvements: localised widening, shoulder sealing, intersection treatments, safety barriers and sight distance improvements | $4.8 million | $6 million

Activated Safety Signing on South East Freeway | $3.2 million | $4 million

Median Wire Rope – Dukes Highway | $4 million | $5 million

Audio Tactile Line Marking on strategic corridors | $8 million | $10 million

Shoulder Sealing Program | $4 million | $5 million

Road lighting improvements at critical rural intersections | $6.8 million | $8.5 million

Variable Speed Limit Signs | $800,000 | $1 million

Minor improvements to junctions along key corridors | $8 million | $10 million

Total Federal funding: $115.6 million

Total funding: $144.5 million

Shane Manning