A $3,541,120 cash injection for roads in Parkes Shire will create jobs and boost the local economy at a time when it is needed most.

The Federal Government has committed $191 million to build on the New South Wales Government’s Fixing Local Roads program.

Riverina MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Federal Government continued to deliver on its commitment for regional Australia.

“I am proud to be a part of a Government which has supported our regional areas so much as this COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded,” Mr McCormack said.

“I know regional and rural residents rely on roads much more than our city counterparts which is why I took our fight to the Cabinet table to deliver for residents in the Parkes Shire.

“Parkes Council submitted a shortlist of projects which they deemed as shovel ready and from there I have worked tirelessly in my role as Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development along with NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole to ensure our regional roads receive the funding they deserve.

“We are delivering on our commitment to get people where they need to go sooner and safer.

“This funding will deliver critical infrastructure projects right across the country to help keep construction businesses running and people in jobs.”

NSW Nationals Upper House MP Sam Farraway said that the improvement of local roads was vital to better road safety for our regional and rural communities.

“The Fixing Local Roads Program is a helping hand to Local Governments from across regional NSW that will boost job opportunities and ensure regional road users get to where they need to go sooner and safer,” Mr Farraway said.

“We’re turbocharging this funding to ensure we create jobs and create better journeys on the roads that really matter to local communities, in what has been a difficult period for all.

“It is great to have the Federal Government join us in delivering projects like the rehabilitation of East Street, as it will make a big difference to the overall safety and experience of daily commuters and visitors in the Parkes region.”

The Federal and NSW Governments will deliver a total of $32,261,135 towards projects across the Riverina and Central West through this new funding announcement.

Road funding for Parkes Shire

Project name | Summary of works | Joint funding from Federal and NSW Governments

East Street Rehabilitation | Scope of this project includes: -New bridge/culvert structure ;Replace failing units, raised to reduce restriction to waterflows; Formalise drainage channel to improve flow conditions; Kerb and gutter – full length of project to improve drainage; Widen narrow pavement to be consistent with pavement widths on northern section; Pavement Rehabilitation – failed/rough pavement; Relocation of four water mains and sewer main affected by culvert widening | $2,241,120

Cookamidgera Road Upgrade and Seal | This project will involve sealing 1.3km of an existing unsealed road to a formation width of 9m, with a minimum 8m seal, improve safety on substandard bends and crest reconstruction. The project also includes a concrete causeway reconstruction through high volume waterway mitgating the damage caused by flooding | $1,300,000

Total Federal and NSW State Government funding: $3,541,120

Shane Manning