Kooringal High School student Himani Raman has displayed her passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics at the recent Curious Minds program.
Riverina MP and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said Miss Raman participated in the program which brought together online more than 60 young women to pursue their interest in STEM courses at its Winter Camp recently.
“The Curious Minds program is about giving an opportunity for Year 9 and 10 students with high potential to be able to explore avenues and build their confidence in STEM subjects,” Mr McCormack said.
“The camp this year was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but students from across the country were able to get together online to complete challenges and experiments along with coaching sessions with inspiring female mentors.
“I trust Himani learnt new skills and was inspired by the virtual sessions to consider a career in STEM after completing her schooling and I congratulate her for her dedication to her study.
“I urge and encourage any young girls throughout the Riverina and Central West who are interested in pursuing their passion from STEM to get involved in a future Curious Minds program.”
The Federal Government is investing $2.35 million to continue to operate and expand the Curious Minds program over four years from 2020-21.
More information on the program is available at https://www.asi.edu.au/programs/curious-minds/.