Today’s release of an Options Paper for the National Freight Data Hub is the next step in improving national freight data.

The Options Paper builds on the Federal Government’s $5.2 million investment to settle the design of the Hub and create a prototype website.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Hub would help businesses and governments make better operational and investment decisions.

“The Options Paper sets out the design of the Hub and we encourage feedback from industry to inform its development,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Freight is an essential service and during the pandemic, we’ve seen just how much we rely on our freight sector to keep shelves stocked and local economies running.

“The freight and logistics sector is the vital link across our supply chains and the Hub will play an important role in supporting the sector.

“The Hub is another example of how the Australian Government is working closely with and listening to the needs of industry.

“Industry input will ensure the design is responsive to users’ needs, leading to improvements across transport and infrastructure planning.”

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the Hub’s full design and business case would link in with industry feedback.

“The Hub will demonstrate how collaboration benefits everyone, building on the Federal Government’s strong track-record in supporting the sector.

“This is an opportunity for Australia to pioneer the journey towards freight data transparency and exchange.

“The Hub is another one of many concrete steps we have taken to support Australian jobs and productivity, by facilitating innovation and freight efficiency.”

Submissions to the National Freight Data Hub Options Paper close on Friday, 11 September 2020.

To view the Discussion Paper and for more information about the National Freight Data Hub, visit

Shane Manning