A seventh round of the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme (SCP) will build on past successes of the fund which has already delivered nearly $900,000 to community groups and organisations across the Riverina and Central West for vital small infrastructure projects.

Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said SCP was one of the Government’s many 2021-22 Budget initiatives focused on making local economies stronger and boosting community organisations.

“Everywhere I travel in the electorate I see the real benefits from the first six rounds of the Stronger Communities Programme, be it improved disability access at Wagga Wagga’s 2AAA FM community radio station or providing curtains and furniture in the Tullamore Hall,” Mr McCormack said.

“Organisations everywhere have told me they would not have been able to afford to undertake improvements but for having received a Stronger Communities Programme grant.”

Mr McCormack said Round 7 of SCP would continue to support Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Sadly, the pandemic continues to cruel the ability of rural and regional communities to raise money for projects they need badly, but this is where the Government is stepping in, delivering the support not-for-profit groups need and deserve through the Stronger Communities Programme,” Mr McCormack said.

For this special round, grant funding will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs, except for local government councils where grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible projects.

Mr McCormack urged all eligible Riverina and Central West organisations to submit an expression of interest.

Expressions of interest are open until 3 December 2021. A consultation committee will then help Mr McCormack assess those who express interest. Organisations intending on submitting an application need to first submit an expression of interest by this date.

Expressions of interest should include a short description of the project, total cost, details of matching funding (for councils), why the project is important to the community and contact details.

Expressions of Interest forms can be requested by emailing or by contacting Mr McCormack’s Wagga Wagga electorate office on 6921 4600. The office can also provide further information about eligibility.

After the expression of interest period, Mr McCormack will officially invite the successful proponents to submit an application. A maximum of 20 projects will be funded across the electorate. Grants will be available between $2,500 and $20,000 for successful applications.


• Stronger Communities Programme designed to fund local projects to build social and community connections.

• Grants will be available between $2,500 and $20,000.

• Interested parties must submit an Expression of Interest by 3 December 2021 to be considered by a consultation committee.

• Each electorate will receive $150,000 to allocate towards successful projects, with a maximum of 20 projects to be funded per electorate.

• The programme is open only to applicants who have been invited by their local Federal MP.

• The first six rounds of the Stronger Communities Programme have delivered nearly $900,000 for small infrastructure projects throughout the Riverina and Central West.

• Projects funded by SCP must be completed by 31 December 2022.

• Round 7 of the Programme will deliver $22.7 million

Shane Manning