This year has certainly thrown some challenges our way. COVID has continued to have an impact on our way of life, as have floods, a mouse plague and even an earthquake!

So, as Christmas approaches, like me, you are probably looking forward to a period of peace and quiet. However, I have never known the lead up to this special time of year to be all that calm.

Unless you are super organised and have strategically avoided the Christmas rush, you may, in these last few days leading up to Christmas, be anxiously looking for last-minute gift ideas. I want to suggest, whilst gifts are a practical and generous way to celebrate this festive time of year, as well as a unique opportunity to support local businesses by purchasing Australian made products and produce, the most thoughtful gifts we can give are free. Friendship, kindness, hope and love.

The first Christmas, the reason for this important season, was celebrated in a simple setting as a family, new parents Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus. Their celebration was centred on the joy of a baby’s birth, such a happy occasion.

My hope this Christmas is that everyone across the Riverina and Central West gets to experience the happiness of reconnecting with family and friends. As borders open and COVID restrictions ease, the ability to travel and enjoy life as we have previously are things for which we are truly grateful.

Whilst celebrating this special time of year, we pay tribute to and thank those who give their time to serve and support others: our health care workers, emergency service and defence force personnel, aged care and disability workers, the farmers who will be harvesting to ensure we have food on our tables and those who spend time with the homeless and less fortunate.

As a community we have been through so much over the past year, so to borrow the saying which many would be familiar with – it costs nothing to be nice – I encourage everyone to make an extra effort to be a friend, offer a smile and share the Christmas spirit.

Over the holidays, enjoy the chance to take a break. Put your smart devices down, explore our region. Take care when travelling on our roads, be sun smart and water wise.

It has been a busy and eventful year and I am grateful and thankful for the support and kindness shown to my family, staff and me.

Like the first Christmas, may we all rediscover the joy of simple things in life and endeavour to share this with those around us – and as the end of the year draws near – Catherine, my family, staff and I extend our best wishes to all for a Happy Christmas and a successful 2022.

Shane Manning