Drought-affected regions are continuing to benefit from Australian Government funding support, with 24 projects sharing in more than $1.1 million under the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s award-winning Tackling Tough Times Together program.              

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Government’s commitment to supporting drought-affected regions was all the more important following the economic shock of natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While we’ve seen good rainfall in some parts of Australia, there are still many regional and remote communities continuing to battle the impacts of drought,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“This has been further compounded by the additional challenges of COVID-19 and, in some parts, bushfires, making our ongoing support all the more vital.

“The Australian Government’s $15 million commitment to the FRRR Tackling Tough Times Together program supports hundreds of projects run by local groups in drought-affected regional communities, fostering social connection, enhancing community identities and supporting the recovery of the local economy.

“The past year has been difficult for many, however rural and regional Australians continue to show remarkable grit and resilience.”

Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud said it is pleasing to see so many projects in drought-affected areas benefiting directly from federal funding.

“It is important for people to know that funding is still available and applications are accepted on an ongoing basis,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Projects funded in this round include a Community Multipurpose Gym Facility Project in Wilmington, the installation of a solar panel system at the Warra Tennis Club and an Outback Festival in Winton to reduce social isolation and drive economic recovery.

“I strongly encourage drought-affected communities across remote, rural and regional Australia to apply for the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s future rounds.”

The Tackling Tough Times Together program was awarded the 2020 Australian Philanthropy Awards - Best Grant Program.

More information on the Tackling Tough Times Together program and the latest round of recipients can be found on the Foundation’s website at or by visiting the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website at

Tackling Tough Times Together projects are assessed by an independent advisory committee and approved by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s 13-member board. 

Shane Manning