George Christensen has been a tireless fighter for the people of Dawson and central Queensland and his decision not to contest the next election and retire from the Australian Parliament is personally momentous.

Since first being elected the Member for Dawson in 2010 as a candidate for the LNP and The Nationals, George has done a power of good for all the communities in the region.

George’s decision to step back, spend time with family and pursue a career after politics is one that he has not taken casually. Giving up the opportunity to serve his community at the end of this term of the Parliament has been an incredibly tough decision for George to take and I respect him for doing so in the professional way he has.

Having grown up in Queensland and lived most of his life in the Mackay region, George has been a true local champion, which is why the people of Dawson elected him again in 2013, 2016 and 2019.

During his Parliamentary career George has worked hard to ensure the views of his community have been heard in the corridors of Canberra through committee membership, as a Committee Chair and as The Nationals’ Chief Whip.

Before joining the Parliament, George had been fierce community advocate serving on the City of Mackay Council from 2004 and continuing on the Mackay Regional Council from 2008 until being elected to the Australian Parliament.

All members of The Nationals Party Room will miss George. I pay tribute to the hard work, advocacy, fellowship and good humour George and I have always enjoyed and wish he and his family all the very best for life following this service to his community.

Shane Manning