Member for Riverina and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack is urging the community to have their say on the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Darren Chester, announced the Royal Commission on 19 April and public consultation on its Terms of Reference is open until 21 May.

“It is important we get this Royal Commission right, starting with the Terms of Reference,” said Mr McCormack, a former Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and former Assistant Defence Minister.

“The Riverina and Central West has a strong connection with the Australian Defence Force, with thousands of current serving men and women living and working in the region as well as many more former ADF personnel who have made it their home.

“Wagga Wagga is a tri-service city and has a very strong interest in this issue.

“I hope our people have their say in shaping the Royal Commission.”

Mr McCormack said the themes for the draft Terms of Reference, as well as further detail about the consultation process, were available on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Anyone with an interest in the Royal Commission’s Terms of Reference can submit online feedback to or by writing a letter to:

Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

GPO Box 9998


Following consultation, all feedback will be provided to the Attorney-General’s Department, which will lead the drafting of the Royal Commission’s Terms of Reference.

“Suicide prevention is a key priority of the Government and we recognise the rate of suicide of Australian Defence Force members and veterans is unacceptably high,” Mr McCormack said.

“We owe it to members, veterans and their families to take action.”

Support for veterans and their families is available free of charge through the Open Arms counselling service on 1800 011 046, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Current serving members can access support through their local Garrison Health Centre or by contacting the All Hours Support Line on 1800 628 036, open 24 hours seven days a week.

Those who wish to remain anonymous can also contact Safe Zone Support on 1800 142 072. This is a free and anonymous counselling line established for veterans and their families who may have concerns about anonymity.

Shane Manning