Tasmania continues to benefit from the Liberal and Nationals Government’s record infrastructure investment, with funding for major new projects to be announced in this week’s 2021-22 Budget, securing Australia’s recovery.

Key projects to be funded include:

• $80 million for the Tasmanian Roads Package – Bass Highway Safety and Freight Efficiency Upgrades Package – Future Priorities;

• $48 million for the Algona Road Grade Separated Interchange and Duplication of the Kingston Bypass;

• $44 million for the Rokeby Road – South Arm Road Upgrades;

• $37.8 million for the Midland Highway Upgrade – Campbell Town North (Campbell Town to Epping Forest);

• $36.4 million for the Midland Highway Upgrade – Oatlands (Jericho to South of York Plains);

• $35.7 million for the Midland Highway Upgrade – Ross (Mona Vale Road to Campbell Town);

• An additional $24 million for the Port of Burnie Shiploader Upgrade; and

• $13.2 million for the Huon Link Road.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said these projects will make Tasmanian roads safer, reduce travel times and support thousands of jobs across the state.

“From continuing upgrades on the Bass and Midland highways, to delivering a better Port of Burnie Shiploader - these projects will support more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs across Tasmania,” Prime Minister Morrison said.

“Our record funding commitment is creating jobs, boosting business investment, while securing Australia’s COVID recovery.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Government’s ongoing record of delivery is enhancing transport connectivity, underpinning economic growth and helping Tasmanians get home sooner and safer.

“In this year’s Budget, the Government is announcing our future Midland Highway priority investments for critical works north of Campbell Town, Ross and Oatland,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Major projects delivered since April last year include the Perth Link Roads project, to which the Australian Government committed $83 million to duplicate the Midland Highway around the township of Perth.

“This investment has improved safety and enhanced transport efficiency between the southern and western regions of the state and this year’s Budget builds on this record of delivery.”

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said the Government is driving the delivery of major infrastructure projects to map the economic road back from the pandemic, building the economy and providing certainty for business over the long term.

“The Australian Government will continue to invest in the Tasmanian economy in the coming years,” Minister Fletcher said.

“Major investments will include projects such as upgrading the Algona Road interchange and duplicating the Kingston Bypass.”

The Australian Government looks forward to working constructively with the Tasmanian Government to deliver this infrastructure, supporting jobs and businesses right across Tasmania.

For more information on investments in Tasmania visit http://investment.infrastructure.gov.au

Shane Manning