Local businesses, suppliers and contractors are invited to tender for works to build new overtaking lanes and other road safety works along the Newell Highway at Alleena, 20 kilometres south of West Wyalong.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Newell is one of the State’s busiest freight corridors.
“Widening road shoulders and installing rumble strips will not only help support freight productivity gains but enable road users get home sooner and safer to their families,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“The Australian Government recently announced it would fund this important shoulder widening work at seven sections along the Newell Highway, with work starting at Alleena in June 2021.
“This funding is part of our national $2 billion Road Safety Program and will assist in reducing the occurrence of fatigue-related crashes on the Newell Highway.”
New South Wales Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the NSW Government had already delivered 17 new overtaking lanes along the Newell and, working with the Australian Government, would increase this to at least 40 additional lanes by 2023.
“This is another example of the Australian and NSW Governments working together to build productive infrastructure that the local community and economy need,” Mr Toole said.
“It’s a major investment in one of our most important freight routes that will make journeys faster and safer for all motorists.”
State Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke said the Alleena project highlighted the importance of the Newell Highway for the entire region.
“The NSW Government has funded 13 new overtaking lanes on the Newell Highway in the Cootamundra electorate across the shires of Narrandera, Bland and Weddin,” Ms Cooke said.
“This work is helping to make this vital road safer for all users and to cut travel times.”
“The Newell is an essential roadway for our region, enabling our primary producers to get their goods to consumers, helping our children get to school and enabling tourists to explore our communities. This work will make their journeys easier.”
“This project at Alleena in the Bland Shire will create about 50 jobs for suppliers and contractors, providing a great boost to the West Wyalong and surrounding communities. There will be a chance for local suppliers and contractors to tender for work.”
“Work is due to start at Alleena in June, weather permitting. Once the shoulder widening work is complete later this year, northbound and southbound overtaking lanes will be built, which will take about six months.”
To register your interest to receive a tender package, email the Newell Highway Program Alliance at
Transport for NSW will continue to keep the community informed as work on the Alleena project progresses.
For more information about the program, visit, email or call 1800 577 295.
For more information on the Road Safety Program and other Australian Government road safety initiatives, visit