The Australian Government is seeking input on the direction of Australia’s future airspace management with the release of the National Strategic Airspace: National Aviation Policy Issues Paper.
The Issues Paper is the next step towards developing a national strategic approach for the management of Australia’s airspace and is an avenue for industry to provide feedback on future airspace policies and direction.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Australian Government is committed to consulting with industry to ensure future airspace policies reflect the rapidly changing airspace environment and meet the needs of airspace users.
“It is becoming more evident that future airspace operations will involve a mix of significantly different aircraft types and performance characteristics, this includes traditional aviation such as jet and piston aircraft and new aviation technology like drones and electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“The existing framework that underpins our safe and efficient airspace system has served Australia well for many years, however it needs to evolve to accommodate this rapidly changing environment.
“We value the input of those who use the airspace and see the Issues Paper as the starting point for open and transparent discussion.
“Feedback on the Issues Paper will inform development and implementation of Australia’s Future Airspace Framework, a project led by Australia’s Airspace regulator, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
“While the Issues Paper considers a long-term approach for airspace management, we are addressing short-term priorities through review of Australia’s Airspace Policy Statement, which has also been released for comment today.
“I encourage industry and other interested stakeholders to take a look and have their say.”
The National Strategic Airspace: National Aviation Policy Issues Paper is available at www.infrastructure.gov.au/airspace/