A Federal Government grant programme aimed at strengthening communities through small capital grants is set to deliver improvements to parks, halls and sports facilities throughout the region.

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said nearly $150,000 had been approved for 15 projects in the Riverina and Central West through the Stronger Communities Programme (SCP), a program for not-for-profit organisations which funds small capital projects that deliver important social benefits in each of the 151 Federal electorates across the country.

“The Stronger Communities Programme does what its name says – it builds stronger communities in the Riverina and Central West, from large centres such as Wagga Wagga and Parkes to small towns and villages such as The Rock, Woodstock and Dirnaseer,” Mr McCormack said.

“When I phone organisations to tell them they will receive a Stronger Communities Grant one of the most common responses I hear is ‘this will make a great difference’.”

Mr McCormack said the COVID-19 pandemic had cruelled fund-raising over the past 12 months for many not-for-profit organisations and so the latest round of SCP grants was often making the difference between important projects going ahead or being left undone.

Woodstock is one of the Central West communities to benefit from a Round 6 SCP grant.

Alison Rutledge, of the Woodstock Progress Association, welcomed a $7,925 grant to make improvements to Woodstock Lions Park.

“The improvements will prove beneficial to both the residents and visitors to the village,” Ms Rutledge said.

“It will increase the usage of the local facility by providing shade, shelter and comfort to users in close proximity to the play equipment.”

Mr McCormack said the Stronger Communities Programme had delivered nearly $900,000 to not-for-profit organisations in the Riverina and Central West through the first six rounds of funding.

“I am delighted a seventh round of the Stronger Communities Programme was funded in the 2021-22 Budget, offering grants of between $2,500 and $20,000,” Mr McCormack said.

“That seventh round will open for expressions of interest early next year.”



• Can Assist (Lilier Lodge) Wagga Wagga – upgrade bathroom $14,000

• Lockhart Shire Council – Refurbish exterior of Lockhart Railway Station $18,020

• Uranquinty Progress Association – Replace oven in community hall kitchen $4,224

• The Rock & District Meals on Wheels Association Inc – Upgrade of kitchen facilities $4,014

• Junee Junior Rugby League – Refurbishment of two change rooms $17,500

• Dirnaseer Memorial Hall Temora Shire – Storage improvements $3,190

• Pro Patria (Wagga Wagga) – Information technology and first aid equipment - $14,581

• Legacy Club of Wagga Wagga – Replace oven $4,151

• Wagga Wagga Art Society – Building repairs for Small Street studio $3,000

• Turvey Park Girl Guides – Repairs to Sunshine Avenue hall $14,497

• Murrumburrah-Harden Flexible Care Services – Refurbishment of new premises $13,500

• Woodstock Progress Association – Improvements to Woodstock Lions Park $7,925

• Parkes Services Squash and Sports Centre – renovate courts $18,000

• Weddin Shire Council – Upgrade barbecue facilities at Rotary Park in Grenfell $4,200

• Wirrinya Progress and Sports Association Forbes Shire – Barbecue $4,227

Shane Manning