Thousands of trees will be planted throughout the Riverina and Central West as part of our nation honouring the the legacy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her 70 years of service to Australia and the Commonwealth.

Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said eligible groups and organisations could lodge an expression of interest (EOI) in tree-planting grants being made available through the $15.1 million Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program.

Grants from $2,500 to $20,000 will be available to a broad range of organisations, with each Federal electorate eligible to receive up to $100,000 for up to 10 projects.

To be eligible, applicants must have an Australian Business Number and be an incorporated not-for-profit entity or eligible government entity. Schools and churches are also eligible to lodge an EOI, subject to sponsorship criteria which is available from Mr McCormack’s Wagga Wagga electorate office.

“As I said in a speech in Federal Parliament on 9 February, the people of the Riverina and Central West have a great affinity with Her Majesty, with a deep and abiding respect and love for her,” Mr McCormack said.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in a lasting and meaningful way. On the day trees are planted and for generations to come, people and the environment will benefit from the trees and commemorative signage will be a reminder of her great affection for and service to Australia.”

EOIs for the Riverina electorate can be lodged with Mr McCormack up until 5pm on Thursday 31 March 2022. After the close of the EOI period, a consultation committee will help Mr McCormack assess EOIs received. Nominated applicants will then be invited to apply for funding.

EOIs should include details a short description of the project, total cost, grant funding sought, why the project is important to the community and contact details.

Expressions of interest forms can be requested by emailing or by contacting Mr McCormack’s Wagga Wagga electorate office on 6921 4600. The office can also provide further information about eligibility of organisations and the type of trees which can be planted. The EOI can also be be uploaded here:

During her reign, the Queen has visited Australia 16 times and, on many of these visits, planted trees at community events and ceremonies, leaving a long-lasting reminder of the special occasion for the people in those communities. The Queen is said to have planted 1500 trees throughout her reign.

For more information and for how to get involved visit:


  • Trees planted under the Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee Program may be native or non-native, but must be regionally apporpriate and grow to more than two metres tall when mature.

  • Plantings must be placed in a long-term position to provide a commemorative legacy and reasonable efforts should be made to support establishment of plantings.

  • Projects must be completed by 30 November 2023.

  • Grants will be available between $2,500 and $20,000.

  • Interested parties must submit an expression of interest form by 31 March 2022 to be considered by Mr McCormack and a consultation committee. EOI forms can be obtained by emailing Mr McCormack or telephoning his Wagga Wagga electorate office.

  • Each electorate will receive $100,000 to allocate towards successful projects, with a maximum of 10 projects to be funded per electorate.

  • The program is open only to applicants who have been invited by their local Federal MP after the EOI period.

  • Projects that are suitable must include formal commemorative events in 2022 to mark the Jubilee, plantings of regionally appropriate tree species and installation of commemorative signage or plaques.

  • The Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program is one of a range of national and community events planned by the Australian Government to celebrate The Queen’s Jubilee year.

Shane Manning