transcript: Australia Day 2025 Citizen of the Year Ceremony the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, 25 January 2025
STARTS: 6:30pm
ENDS: 6:37pm
Thank you very much, Velika (Hayes) – and to Edison (McIntosh), Joz (Pastor) and Tille (Carroll) what a wonderful and magnificent job you just did in front of the fantastic 1RTB Kapooka Army Band. You have really started the proceedings off brilliantly.
To the Australia Day Committee, to the hard-working volunteers who make this possible, along with Wagga Wagga City Council.
I know we have Dallas Tout and Deputy Mayor Georgie Davies and other councillors here tonight, but it’s the council staff who really make this event and so many other events in our city what they are.
I have to say when it comes to events, Wagga Wagga does it very well.
Whether it is Australia Day, ANZAC Day, the Fusion Festival, or Wagga Wagga Gold Cup Day – this city puts on very good events.
Australia Day is an important day and I too acknowledge that we are meeting on Wiradjuri territory. I acknowledge the Whyman family and not just Aunty Dot who did a very good and meaningful Welcome to Country. To her husband Hewie, to their family – I know they have got Robert and Eddie here as well.
It is interesting to note, I know we have got Gerard Kearns here the new Kapooka Commandant, and Colonel you need to know that Hewie here was a recruit instructor at Kapooka all those years ago.
He contributes as does Aunty Dot to our city and we are very thankful and privileged that we have got the Whyman family who bring so much to our city. Not just to the Aboriginal people in our city, but all people in our city. So, thank you to the Whyman family and particularly to you Dot for your great Welcome to Country.
Australia Day is important; it is a day where we come together, and think about all the things that make this country great. The things that unite us are always going to be far greater than the things that divide us.
We are very lucky here in Wagga to have a community which is very generous, a community which is very inclusive, and you will see that tomorrow. Down at the Riverside Precinct, you will see dozens and dozens of new Australians being naturalised, you will see duck races of course later on in the day. You will see so much of what makes this city the best city in all of Australia.
Australia is a great place – the best country on Earth and you are living in the best city on Earth.
No doubt this city is a fantastic city to raise a family, to run a business, to play sport, to enjoy the culture of the arts, there is so much this city has going for it. It is the best place in all the world in which to live, we are all very privileged and you will see that tomorrow with all the wonderful activities that are going to be held down at Riverside Precinct.
Enjoy Australia Day, remember that this country is the greatest on Earth and have a great long weekend.
Thank you very much.