STARTS: 8:25pm

ENDS: 8:30pm


Thank you, Paul. Mayor Smith, thank you very much. I'd like to acknowledge Aunty Esther (Cutmore) and the fact that we are meeting on Wiradjuri land. I do want to point out those young dancers were sensational, and they always are. They're so good, and as Steph (Cooke) has just pointed out, the young ambassadors—not just the dancers, but the young ambassadors—this is what this festival is also about. It's about Cowra's youth. I know it's about international understanding. I get that it's been 60 years strong, but it's very much about Cowra's youth.

Your Excellency (High Commissioner of India, Gopal Baglay), thank you for your wonderful, wise words. When the Mayor mentioned the word Cootamundra, which is Steph Cooke's amazing electorate, straight off, the High Commissioner said, that's where Bradman comes from. And of course. And of course, we know Sachin Tendulkar and Sunil Gavaskar, and so many Indian cricketers have made the game their own in recent decades. That is one thing that really unites Australia and India—but also very much divides us—is cricket. And yes, I have played against the High Commissioner. Well, I played; he umpired. And he won—go figure that. It was a very close game. There were some very close calls.

But look, he is a wonderful fellow. He's been to this town three times. And that's three times more than many politicians ever come to Cowra. And that, to his credit, is a wonderful thing. And I appreciate the Consul General (Sarvesvaran Janakiraman) is here tonight too. I know that staff members from the High Commissioner and Consul General's office are here as well. And we welcome them all.

The last time that India was recognised in this very, very special festival was 1967. That was 20 years after India gained its independence—India gained its independence in 1947. I was in the Parliament in 2014 when Prime Minister (Narenda) Modi addressed our Parliament. And he received, I think from memory, 18 standing ovations. That's 17 more than I've ever received. The only time I ever did get one was the day I lost the Deputy Prime Ministership! And there's nobody else in my time in Parliament who has received that many standing ovations. And it was an incredible speech. It was an incredible time to be there.

But I also remember last year, I did go to India. I did go to your home country. And I went there as a very special visit to the Dalai Lama. And not a lot of people realise this, but when Tibet was exiled by China, India gave the Dalai Lama refuge. The Dalai Lama refuge in Dharamshala in northern India. And have done for many, many decades. India opens its arms and its hearts to people from all countries—but particularly people seeking refuge. It, like Australia, is very generous in spirit. And I think we should acknowledge that. This town is based on a generosity of spirit. And I think this festival—I know this festival—also acknowledges that. And it's quite special. And so is the relationship, both in trade, in international understanding. And that will continue.

Another little fact that not a lot of people realise is that Indian Army troops served alongside ours—our ANZACs—at Gallipoli. And 120,000 whalers, horses, were sent from Australian shores to the Great War of 1914-18. And many, most of those horses were actually used by the Indian Army to fight alongside our own soldiers. And those relationships are special. Those relationships are meaningful. Those relationships are binding and lasting—as will the love and support and friendship always between our two nations. And Your Excellency, you know that. You live that every day. I know this is your third year on what generally is a three-year term. So, we do thank you. We do respect you. We do honour you. And in this special way tonight, we recognise the value that you have brought to the relationship between our two fine nations. Thank you very much.

Emma Sullivan