The important role of regional journalists has been given a $5 million boost to keep vital communication channels open.

The Federal Government has brought forward the release of funds from its Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund to support public-interest journalism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr McCormack said the extra funding would be a welcome relief for regional newsrooms.

“Regional journalists are critically important to provide concise and accurate information for the communties they serve, especially during these current challenging times,” Mr McCormack said.

“I am pleased the Government has brought forward funding to help support these fundamental communication channels for our smaller communities throughout the Riverina and Central West, which so often rely on these networks to be kept promptly informed of what is happening in their community.

“Newpapers are part of the rich fabric of our local communities and are an integral part of our democracy.

“We are continuing to support regional newsrooms and we are working to keep journalists in jobs.”

The Fund has been enhanced – with more organisations eligible to apply and a greater emphasis on sustainability. This round will be open to regional and metropolitan publishers and content service providers producing public-interest journalism.

Time frames will be significantly shorter than normal, in view of the urgent need facing many regional and small publishers. The Fund is a competitive grants program independently administered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. More information is available on the ACMA website.

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Shane Manning