Subjects: Coronavirus;


Good morning Michael.


Good morning Leigh.


Now, firstly, let's have a bit of a chat about what the latest developments with COVID-19 have been across the weekend. What can you tell us?


Well, the Seasonal Worker program has been extended so that those people who farmers need and I know in the western region of the Riverina and indeed even around Wagga area, people used the Pacific labour hire scheme, they used backpackers, they use people to pick fruit and to do all those farm jobs that it's sometimes difficult to find workers for. Now, under the extension and there'll be a six month extension to 12 months, so provided that the backpackers or workers who come here have self-isolated for 14 days – they have to have self-isolated, they have to have shown that they have done that and they can extend their visa by up to six months.

So that's a relief for farmers who look like they're going to have a half decent season this year; with a bit of rain recently, it's been good. This is what the National Farmers Federation have asked to do. Employment must be given to Australians who apply first through the Jobs Hub website. So, you know, farmers need to look to Australians first but if they can't fill those gaps, then the extension of this visa – which also provides critical employment for backpackers who are stuck here and who feel as though there might not be a flight home.


Yeah. Now, with that, talking about the Jobs Hub, obviously a lot of Aussies have found themselves out of work. There's been support packages announced, what's the latest on those? When are we going to start seeing the cash going into pockets?


Very, very soon and already some of the stimulus money has obviously been sent into people's bank accounts and to those who need it, many of them have already received it. We want to make sure that the assistance that we do provide is there and there very, very quickly once it's announced and once the latest measures are also through the Parliament. So we're resuming Parliament on Wednesday but that is why we use the existing, what's called the "tax and transfer system".

So that we haven't set up any new funding streams via the tax system that's already in place, we're using existing systems. And whilst elsewhere, other countries are forming new tax streams and new systems within their Government, we're using the existing funding streams so that people can get their money quicker.


Now, there has been with the $130 billion package for businesses, with the $1,500 wage support, there has been calls to increase the scope of that so that more casuals are supported by that. What's going to be the response on that one, because I believe draft legislation is hoping to be drawn up today?


Yes, in fact, I've got a series of meetings today. So we will be very much looking at how we finalise that, who is eligible, who may not necessarily be eligible for that but they can use other programs or existing programs or new incentives that we've already put in place. Look, we don't want to leave anybody behind and the important thing is we get everybody through this together. COVID-19 is really having an impact on not just the health of the nation but also our economic fortunes, and we want to make sure as a government that we can come through this the other side. That's why we've already outlaid around $320 billion. That's more money than any Federal Government has ever put on the table for any particular crisis but let me tell you, it's needed, it's necessary and it's appropriate.


Now, in terms of health outcomes, health officials, sort of, are starting to sound more optimistic. Obviously, it's been a huge impact on our daily lives. Is there any modelling, anything that gives us an indication of when these restrictions are going to be relaxed?


Well, the Prime Minister has indicated that this is going to be six months and I think people need to, you know, get in their own mind that it's going to take months, not weeks. Yes, we've got the very best health officials led by very capable Dr Brendan Murphy, the Chief Medical Officer, each and every one of the chief medical officers for the States meeting on a daily basis. They're making sure that we flatten that, what's called the curve, as much as we can so that we minimise and contain the spread, the outbreaks of COVID-19. But people have to comply with the rules. They're very tough.

For the first Sunday night for many weeks, my son and his partner didn't come over last night for what we normally have Sunday night dinner. And, you know, he had to stay home because he doesn't live at home and the fact that you're only really supposed to have your family members there and no more than two and all these sorts of restrictions, the spacing that people need to, you know, spend when they're outside with the four metre square rule, the social distancing requirements, they're all needed. And it is going to be tough and visitations to aged care centres and all those sorts of things, funerals, weddings, restrictions on those, it's tough on the social fabric of society, Leigh, but it is necessary and we want to make sure that we contain and minimise the spread of COVID-19.

And what we've been able to achieve thus far in Australia has been very good compared to other countries but that's not saying that the 35 people who have lost their lives [inaudible] is a complete tragedy, we all know that, we don't want any more.


And finally, of course, Easter long weekend is coming up. It's traditionally a time for travelling. Look, people who are thinking of travelling even if they're just going to go and camp somewhere, what's the message from the Government on that? Is that still okay or is that something that we should completely reconsider?


Hashtag – stay home. It's really simple. Just stay at home. I mean, I know it's going to be tough. Get some – you know, get some re-runs of the old movies. I noticed that all the rugby league and AFL channels were playing classic matches over the weekend. You know, settle in for a weekend of a good family fun movie or a romantic flick, whatever takes your pick. Settle in for a weekend at home. Do some gardening at home. But just stay at home. It's really simple. I mean, most Australians are complying. Most Australians are doing the right thing. The Government thanks them for doing that and by doing this and by doing it, we'll get more people through this together.


Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, thank you for joining me this morning. And just before I let you go, what's your go-to movie for your quarantine?


I like a bit of Braveheart. I like a bit of an action movie. So, you know, I might dig out it and watch Mel Gibson charge down the slopes against the English Army.


Solid choice. Michael, thank you for joining us.



Shane Manning