Four Central West community organisations are rejoicing after being told their applications for grants through the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme (SCP) have been approved.

Member for Riverina Michael McCormack telephoned the organisations to deliver the good news, with the grant funds totalling $54,654 expected to paid once grant agreements are signed.

Among the grants are $20,000 to the Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre to install a disability-safe basketball and netball court, $20,000 to the Trundle Sports Council for improvements to Berryman Park, $11,654 to the Forbes Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre for improvements to an outdoor space and $3,000 to Neighbourhood Central Inc at Parkes for a shade sail over its courtyard.

Trundle Sports Council spokesman Andrew Rawsthorne welcomed the SCP grant.

“Berryman Park is a hub for the whole community and is really loved,” Mr Rawsthorne said.

“Everyone takes a great deal of pride in it.”

Neighbourhood Central executive officer Dianne Scott said the shade sail would make a big difference to the courtyard.

“Staff, volunteers and clients will be able to use the courtyard safely, because there is no shade there now,” Ms Scott said.

Forbes Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre manager Aunty Aileen Allen said the grant was needed badly.

‘We lost so many plants and trees in the floodwaters,” Aunty Aileen said.

“You have no idea how much better this grant will make the outdoor space.”

Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre manager Fran Stead said the basketball and netball court would be made available for use by the wider community.

“We are incredibly grateful for this Stronger Community Programme grant,” Ms Stead said.

Mr McCormack said $149,500 had been approved for 11 projects in the Riverina and Central West through Round 7 of SCP, a program for not-for-profit organisations which funds small capital projects which deliver important social benefits in each of the 151 Federal electorates across the country.

Mr McCormack nominated the 11 projects after he and a community consultative committee considered 45 expressions of interest seeking funding of $620,000 towards projects worth $994,000.

“The Stronger Communities Programme has delivered more than $1 million to not-for-profit organisations in the Riverina and Central West through the first seven rounds of the program,” Mr McCormack said.

He said the programme had been extended in the recent 2022-23 Federal Budget.

“I am delighted an eighth round of the Stronger Communities Programme will be funded again because it is such a valuable source of funding for these community organisations which just need a helping hand to achieve big things,” McCormack said.

“The programme is very popular; I am often asked: when will the next round open?

“In some cases, these community-building projects simply would not have been possible without the support of a Stronger Communities Programme grant.”


  • Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre – disability-safe basketball and netball court ($20,000)

  • Forbes Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre Indigenous Corporation – improvements to outdoor space ($11,654)

  • Turvey Park Australian Football and Netball Club – Netball court ($18,029)

  • Country Womens Association Inc Tarcutta Branch – Upgrade exterior of building ($16,500)

  • West Wyalong Lions Club on behalf of Waratah Village Association – Modifications to the Village’s van to make it suitable and accessible to transport all residents ($17,270)

  • Ariah Park Show Society – Kitchen fitout for community space at the Ariah Park Showground Lunch pavilion ($13,290)

  • Regional Heritage Transport Association (Roundhouse Museum) – Blockout blinds, air conditioning, sheltered park setting and concrete slab ($18,473)

  • Trundle Sports Council – Improvements to Berryman Park ($20,000)

  • The Rock Preschool Inc – Enclose veranda to create an enclosed outdoor, all-weather classroom ($7898)

  • Humula Citizens’ Sports Club – Refurbish laundry and kitchen ($3,886)

  • Parkes Neighbourhood Central – Courtyard refurbishment ($3,000)

Shane Manning